Green Juicie and Chia Seed “Pudding”


This is a great breakfast packed with super foods which will help wake you up and get you through an action packed morning with a lot of chia power!
A juicie is what I like to call a mix between a juice and a smoothie, I normally make them when I want a smoothie but don’t want chunky bits of fibre, for instance when I’m using kale.
The chia “pudding” is packed full of goodness, chia seeds are a great source of protein, and a little goes a long way. Coconuts work wonders on your immune system with antiviral, anti-fungal and antibacterial properties, to name a few. And goji berries are again a great source of protein, Vitamin C, fibre, iron and antioxidants. You can replace the water with almond/soy/hemp milk if you like but since I used almond milk in the juicie I thought it may be too heavy to have in both.

Please Note: Items marked with * suggest using organic products if possible.

Chia “Pudding” Ingredients (serves 1)

2 tablespoons chia seeds*
1 1/2 teaspoons goji berries*
1 tablespoon dried coconut chips*
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon powder
1/2 cup of filtered water

Place the chia seeds and cinnamon powder in a bowl/cup and pour the 1/2 cup of water over them and stir.
Then add the goji berries and coconut chips, and set aside while you make your green juicie.

Green Juicie Ingredients (serves 1)

4 stems of kale *
1 piece of ginger (to your taste preference)
1 apple* (I used Braeburn)
1/4 avocado
1/2 cup blueberries*
1/2 cup almond milk
Scoop of green superfood powder of your choice (optional)
1/2 teaspoon edible dried rose petals (optional)

Juice the kale, ginger, and apple.
Then add the blueberries, avocado, almond milk, and green superfood powder (optional) to the juice and blitz them with a handheld/regular blender.
Sprinkle the dried rose petals on top and enjoy the mood enhancing aromas with every sip!